Deutsche Post DHL Group, UNDP and OCHA boost natural disaster preparedness at Madagascar’s Toamasina International Airport
The Chief guests at the opening ceremony of the GARD ( Getting Airports Ready For Disaster ) workshop held at Streamline Hotel in Toamasina on 20th May 2019- From left to right- RAMANANA Barthelemy Samuel - representative of Atsinanana Region, Rija Rakotoarison –OCHA representative, Yves Andrianarison - Country Manager DHL Express Madagascar, Marie Dimond- UNDP representative in Madagascar, Col. Elack Olivier Andriakaja - Executive Secretary BNGRC , Cyrille Benandrasana - Prefect of Toamasina, Major Gen. Herison Andriamihafy - Manager ADEMA, George Rakotomalala - Municipality of Toamasina
(Source: Deutsche Post DHL
5 years ago)
Participants and guests at the opening ceremony of the GARD ( Getting Airports Ready For Disaster ) workshop held at Streamline hotel in Toamasina on 20th May 2019
(Source: Deutsche Post DHL
5 years ago)
Elack Olivier Andriakaja - Executive Secretary BNGRC,Marie Dimond- UNDP rep in Madagascar,Major Gen. Herison Andriamihafy - Manager ADEMA,Yves Andrianarison - Country Manager DHL Express Madagascar,Kim Melville Senior Director, Global Airside and Standards UK and Lead Trainer, Second line Left to right- Chris Weeks Director of Humanitarian Affairs and Lead Trainer, George Wood Customer Operations Manager,Customer Operations Group - Sub Saharan Africa and Trainer and Robin Demyttenaere Global Airside and Standards Supervisor - UK
(Source: Deutsche Post DHL
5 years ago)
The workshop delegates who will be attending the GARD workshop from May 20 to 24, 2019 take a picture with the chief guests and the GARD trainers
(Source: Deutsche Post DHL
5 years ago)